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The GNU Radio 4.0 Runtime Proof Of Concept

Creating and Running a Flowgraph

Flowgraphs define the blocks and connections that will perform the desired signal processing.
The concepts here are the same as in GNU Radio

Using GRC

The slightly modified version of GRC that is included with newsched should work the same as in GNU Radio.
Differences will be documented as this integration is developed further

Using Python

A flowgraph can be configured in a python script by instantiating blocks, connecting them together, and calling run on the flowgraph object. For instance, let’s consider a flowgraph with a vector_source, vector_sink, and copy block

from newsched import gr, blocks

fg = gr.flowgraph("My Flowgraph")
src_data = [float(x) for x in range(0, 100)]

src = blocks.vector_source_f(src_data)
op = blocks.copy(gr.sizeof_float)
dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()

fg.connect([src, op, dst])

assert(src_data ==

Looks a lot like a GNU Radio flowgraph!! That’s because a lot of care has been made to make the user experience similar between GNU Radio 3.x and newsched because the goal is for newsched to prove out the long term vision for GNU Radio 4.x

We will next dig into the more advanced features of newsched, starting with how you might want to create your own module, blocks, and even custom scheduler

Next: Creating a block