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The GNU Radio 4.0 Runtime Proof Of Concept

The First Test

We can now create a simple test case to try out our newly created blocks: schedulers/st/test/qa_scheduler_st.cpp

The testing framework used is gtest, which has already been added into the as a dependency

The test demonstrates the basic commands for configuring and executing a flowgraph:

GTest macros encapsulate a test case by defining the test hierarchy and the test case name. We have decided to create a series of tests under SchedulerSTTest and call this test TwoSinks, as we will be fanning out the output of one block to two sinks

TEST(SchedulerSTTest, TwoSinks)

Declare the input data we will load into the vector_source, and based on the flowgraph, the data we expect to get out of the vector_sink

    std::vector<float> input_data{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 };
    std::vector<float> expected_data;
    int k = 3.0;
    for (auto& inp : input_data)
        expected_data.push_back(inp * k);

Instantiate the blocks using the make functions

    auto src = blocks::vector_source_f::make(input_data, false);
    auto op = blocks::multiply_const_ff::make(k);
    auto snk1 = blocks::vector_sink_f::make();
    auto snk2 = blocks::vector_sink_f::make();

Create the flowgraph object and connect our blocks

    auto fg = flowgraph::make();
    fg->connect(src, 0, op, 0);
    fg->connect(op, 0, snk1, 0);
    fg->connect(op, 0, snk2, 0);

Create the scheduler, assign it to the flowgraph, and validate (finalize). The scheduler can also be left out to use the default scheduler.

    auto sched = schedulers::scheduler_st::make();

Run the flowgraph


Check the results

    EXPECT_EQ(snk1->data(), expected_data);
    EXPECT_EQ(snk2->data(), expected_data);

If all succeeded, we should see something like:

[0/1] Running all tests.
1/1 Single Threaded Scheduler Tests OK             0.12s

Ok:                 1   
Expected Fail:      0   
Fail:               0   
Unexpected Pass:    0   
Skipped:            0   
Timeout:            0   

There we have it - we ran our first flowgraph through newsched. Now onto some more advanced topics